Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;" Romans 12:12

Now that the waters are residing and hopefully we have had our last blizzard we can look back on this past winter and see some wonderful things. Joshua and I were talking about the Bible and how the LORD talks about how there is a season for everything a time for snow and a time for sun. A time to live and a time to die. Then we got to talking about how the LORD is so good at showing us examples through his word. It is plain to see that the LORD has made four seasons. And when we stop and think of our lives it is broken down into four seasons as well. You have winter which is your childhood and youth. Which always seems like you can't get it to go by fast enough. Then comes spring when you enter into young adulthood and everything seems so fresh and vibrant. Then to follow would be summer the middle age ground and then fall where you look back on your life and start to think about the next season of eternity. Seasons come and seasons go but the LORD and his word never change. That is such an encouragement. Especially with the winter we have been through. I like the verse above from Romans. It is so true that as long as we stay close to the one who is in charge of all we will never fear and always have hope.

The Brown Family

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