Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vacation to The Twin Cities...

The snow has finally started to melt. Howerver it was not that way about two weeks ago. Joshua had some training down in Minneapolis which is by our family. So the kids and I were able to go with and stayed through resurection Sunday. It was a great visit. When we pulled into town there was no snow and we did not have to even wear our coats. LOL... It was GREAT. The funny thing was though the next morning when we woke up the ground was covered in...Guess what...SNOW. Joshua and I laughed so hard. We had decided that the whole family would go to the cities so that the kids could play outsie and just for a little brake from all of the snow. Not to worry though by the end of the day the snow was once again gone and we were snow free for the rest of our tirp. And the best part was when we got back to Fargo yesterday there was no snow. I don't think I have ever been so excited for spring and summer to come. LOL... Hope this little up date finds everyone doing well.

The Brown Family

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