Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the Midst of The Flood Fight...

"THE earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods." Psalm 20:2-3

The Lord has been so good to our community over the past few days. He has given the people hope and amazing strength. It has been such a blessing in such a time of disaster. We have seen people come together like we never have seen before. neighbors helping neighbors and people helping those that they don't even know. This city is amazing. We know that a lot of you are worried about us and the family. As of right now we are fairing ten times better than many others. We are about 5 miles or so from the river. There is no immediate threat to us. Please continue praying that the dyke's will hold. As we have a long week ahead of us. As of right now the river is still rising slowly and they say it may fluctuate between a couple of feet for the next few days. We are also looking at a winter storm coming in that could produce blizzard conditions. We do not need those winds for the dyke's. please pray that the lord will hold back. For we know who is in control and right now has shown much mercy. The people here are awesome. Joshua made an observation that during other natural disasters in out country people have complained and wanted the federal help right away. Here they have been working so hard and praying the whole way. You can truly see the difference from across the nation. Attached is a video from a Person here in Fargo. Not a news crew. Please watch and see how amazing the people have been. We thank you for all of your prayers. BUT PLEASE keep praying. Our community is very optimistic but we are not even half way there. As our mayor said "we have not even made it to half time yet and boy this is a long half."

The Browns

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