Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Snow...

Who would know a little girls (Tatum's) prayer would be answered in such a way... The other day we posted saying how excited we were that we could finally see grass. Well we take that back. There is no more grass. LOL. That is after the blizzard we had yesterday. On Monday night during bed time prayers Tatum had prayed that she would like to have more time with Daddy and that he always works. Well Tuesday morning her prayer was answered when the whole town of Fargo was closed down.
We had been under a blizzard watch. You know how weather men are sometimes right and most of the time wrong. Well not here in our neck of the woods. If they say it is going to Storm. It is going to storm and hey it will probably be even worse than they are saying.
It was a blessing. We got to spend the whole day locked up in the house with Joshua. We had a blast. The kids got to play and hang out all day with Daddy.
The storm was crazy the winds were between 24 to 35 mph all day long with wind gusts from 45 to 50 mph. There is snow every where. We took some pictures so you could see. I guess here the old saying April showers bring May flowers does not hold true. We will still be digging out of the snow. LOL...
Life is so great when you learn to find the joy in every part of it.

The Browns (Since we took the picture of the girls with the grass at Church the above picture was taken tonight at Church...) HAHAHA

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