Friday, March 6, 2009

We See Grass!!!

Yesterday when we went to Church for visitation there was a big patch of grass that has finally shown through the snow. Yesterday we finally broke 35 degrees. It was beautiful. The funny thing about this grass story was the girls. When the we pulled up to Church Tatum and Elyssa got out of the van like they always do. But this time when they got up on the side walk I heard a bunch of commotion. I looked around the van and the girls were dancing around on the grass. They were laughing and having a good old time. I asked them what they were doing and they both hollered back... "LOOK MAMA it's GRASS!!!" I laughed so hard. If you only could have heard them. I have never seen anyone that excited to see Grass. LOL...
I must admit the sight of it is pretty thrilling. Especially since we haven't seen it since oh Late November.LOL.. I thought it was pretty cute. Who new? Grass was such an amazing thing.HAHAHA.....

The Browns

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