Monday, October 5, 2009

Poor little Lyssa Faith :(

Yesterday was an interesting Sunday. We were in Sioux Falls South Dakota visiting some friends of ours. We had a great morning getting ready for Church and just hanging out as a family. Things were going great until we got to Church. We were going in the side entrance and then it happened. When you walk through the doors you have to go down about 5 or 6 stairs. Well, Lyssa was so excited to go to her Sunday school class and had forgotten what I had just said to them at the car. "Remember when we go through this door there are stairs right away". She opened the door and started down the stairs. Only she started to fall. And I could not grab her in time. She fell all the way down and smack... She hit her head on the corner of the door frame. She screamed immediately and there was lots of blood. It did not help that it was right on her head. There were lots of nice people there and a very nice gentleman who helped clean it and starry strip it so that we could get her to the ER... He even drove in front of us so that we could get to the hospital quicker :) She ended up having 5 stitches. She was a champ. She was a little scared, which is to be expected. But she did great. Once we got her some Motrin she was all smiles like usual. Just a little tired from the whole ordeal and a little sore. The Doctor said that she will probably have a head ache for the next couple of days and hopefully we can get the stitches out on Friday. But praise the LORD she did not get a concussion... The cut was so deep that you could see the bone and about 1/2 inch wide. Pray that it heals up fast and that she gets better soon...

Brittany and the family

1 comment:

heidi said...

Poor Elyssa!!!! She is such a trooper! You always have such encouraging posts!! i love reading them & also...funny new pics on your side-bar! Who is that amazing looking couple you met??? haha...