Monday, May 11, 2009

Girl's will be Girl's...

All week last week the girl's were asking me if they could put rollers in there hair. So I told them maybe for Mother's Day. You know Tatum she never forgets a thing. Which is good...She keeps me on my toes. However now little Elyssa has developed the same characteristic. They are too cute. So every day Tatum was asking me is tomorrow Mother's Day yet. Finally Saturday came and after bath time Tatum says to me isn't tomorrow Mother's Day? It was all ready later than usual but I knew what I had told them and I knew that I had to keep my word. It was so much fun. Joshua was laughing and it went so fast. Usually it takes a while to roll their hair. But not this time. I had the best little helpers. Elyssa was giving me the rollers as I did Tatum's hair and vice versa. They had such a good time. I am so thankful that I didn't miss out on the blessing of seeing them so excited just because they should have been in bed all ready. They wanted to have their pictures taken. And how funny...Elyssa thought that we were putting them in so that she could wear them to Church on Sunday Morning :) She thought they were such pretty colors...LOL... It is so much fun to have girl's...

The Brown's

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