Wednesday, May 6, 2009

" Even a Child is known by his doings, wether his work be pure, and wether it be right." Proverbs 20:11

This verse came to mind as I was cooking super last night. I had given Titus a wooden spoon to play with. He was crawling around laughing hysterically. It was so cute. Then all of the sudden he was standing in front of the garbage can banging and beating the thing. Of course it was cute at first until he moved to the wall. Then Tatum and Elyssa starting saying Mommy that is to loud. He was kind of getting out of hand. So I told him Titus that is enough. You know kind of in a stern voice. Being that he is only 11 months old you would think that he would have no clue what I was saying to him. But once again the LORD reminded me how smart children truly are. He looked right at me with this look like what are you going to do about it and then wound up and hit the garbage can again. So I said "Titus NO... That is enough." He looked and me with this weird look and chucked the spoon at me. And then grunted like take that MOM... It took all I had to hold back from laughing. He sure is a cute little feller though.

The Browns

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