Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Phy Ed Friday...

This past Friday was our first homeschooling activity that we officially took part in. The girls had a blast and as you can see so did Titus :) LOL... Joshua had the day off because on Memorial Day weekend. It was so much fun. Our homeschooling group is through our Church. So they rented out the entire skating rink. The older girls were pushing Titus around the rink in the stroller and as you can see he fell asleep. It was fun to watch all of the little ones out there on skates. We had such a good time. We are looking forward to all of the activities in the up coming school year. Until next time...

The Brown's

Monday, May 11, 2009

Girl's will be Girl's...

All week last week the girl's were asking me if they could put rollers in there hair. So I told them maybe for Mother's Day. You know Tatum she never forgets a thing. Which is good...She keeps me on my toes. However now little Elyssa has developed the same characteristic. They are too cute. So every day Tatum was asking me is tomorrow Mother's Day yet. Finally Saturday came and after bath time Tatum says to me isn't tomorrow Mother's Day? It was all ready later than usual but I knew what I had told them and I knew that I had to keep my word. It was so much fun. Joshua was laughing and it went so fast. Usually it takes a while to roll their hair. But not this time. I had the best little helpers. Elyssa was giving me the rollers as I did Tatum's hair and vice versa. They had such a good time. I am so thankful that I didn't miss out on the blessing of seeing them so excited just because they should have been in bed all ready. They wanted to have their pictures taken. And how funny...Elyssa thought that we were putting them in so that she could wear them to Church on Sunday Morning :) She thought they were such pretty colors...LOL... It is so much fun to have girl's...

The Brown's

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We've been here for One Year...

I can't believe that we have already been in Fargo for a year. The time has gone so fast. It feels like we were just leaving California. Joshua and I were chit chatting last night about how crazy it seems. And even crazier that chances are we will be moving from here with in the next year and a half. I guess that is just something we will get used to if the LORD should show Joshua that he is to stay in the military. So many things have changed over the past year. We have Titus and the girls are getting so big. Often I catch my self thinking about when I first got saved and then Joshua and how we found out the next day that we were going to have our first baby. My oh my the time goes so fast. It reminds me of the verse " Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor , that appereth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14... It has been such a blessing to be close to family for the past year. Although we do miss California. After all we spent almost 5 years there. I am sure that it will be hard to leave here when the time comes. The LORD has shown me a lot over the past year. Like how to enjoy the stage of life that we are in while we are in it. So that we may look back with no regrets. I found my self when I first moved here just wanting to go back to California and not being content with where he had led us. I am truly thankful that we have been able to come to North Dakota. It is amazing what you will find if you just sit back and let the LORD show you. It has made my life's verse all the more true "Also I heard the voice of the LORD, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." Isaiah 6:8.. I have learned to rejoice more in the trials than ever before and I a grateful for that. I once heard a preacher say "you always learn the most while your in the valleys not on the mountain tops." And how true that is. We are enjoying the fact that we are only four hours from family, for we know that we will probably never be stationed this close again. I have to admit I do miss the beach. Never the less it has been an amazing year here in Fargo. With the Valleys and The Mountain tops.

The Browns

" Even a Child is known by his doings, wether his work be pure, and wether it be right." Proverbs 20:11

This verse came to mind as I was cooking super last night. I had given Titus a wooden spoon to play with. He was crawling around laughing hysterically. It was so cute. Then all of the sudden he was standing in front of the garbage can banging and beating the thing. Of course it was cute at first until he moved to the wall. Then Tatum and Elyssa starting saying Mommy that is to loud. He was kind of getting out of hand. So I told him Titus that is enough. You know kind of in a stern voice. Being that he is only 11 months old you would think that he would have no clue what I was saying to him. But once again the LORD reminded me how smart children truly are. He looked right at me with this look like what are you going to do about it and then wound up and hit the garbage can again. So I said "Titus NO... That is enough." He looked and me with this weird look and chucked the spoon at me. And then grunted like take that MOM... It took all I had to hold back from laughing. He sure is a cute little feller though.

The Browns

Friday, May 1, 2009


For those of you wondering what Fargo looks like with out snow...Here is the front of our house with no snow. Hard to believe, I know. Titus has been sick all day so during one of his naps I took the girls outside to play. They were playing so good together. They were so excited to be able to throw the ball around. They had so much fun playing together. But they were worried that Titus was not going to be OK in the house by him self. They are so cute, and so Motherly. So funny how little girls are. I think Titus is going to get sick of having three Mommies... LOL... Happy May Day!!!
The Browns

Little Brother...

We were cleaning out the toy closet and found this toy in the box still. Go figure... LOL... It was from Christmas. So the girls and I put it together for Bubba and he has been enjoying it ever since. Finally something he can beat on and it is ok. hehehe... And he is pretty good he can even put the basketball through the hoop. He is so much fun to watch play!!!