Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Time...

The Weather has been nice for the past two weeks. We have been in the 50's and 60's with some rain here and there. We even had a day last week that was 75 degrees. It was such a blessing Joshua had ended up having the same day off of work because he had en-listed three young men into the Marine Corp. We had a ton of fun with the kids. We hope this finds y'all doing well in whatever part of the country you may be... :)

The Browns

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vacation to The Twin Cities...

The snow has finally started to melt. Howerver it was not that way about two weeks ago. Joshua had some training down in Minneapolis which is by our family. So the kids and I were able to go with and stayed through resurection Sunday. It was a great visit. When we pulled into town there was no snow and we did not have to even wear our coats. LOL... It was GREAT. The funny thing was though the next morning when we woke up the ground was covered in...Guess what...SNOW. Joshua and I laughed so hard. We had decided that the whole family would go to the cities so that the kids could play outsie and just for a little brake from all of the snow. Not to worry though by the end of the day the snow was once again gone and we were snow free for the rest of our tirp. And the best part was when we got back to Fargo yesterday there was no snow. I don't think I have ever been so excited for spring and summer to come. LOL... Hope this little up date finds everyone doing well.

The Brown Family

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I have to brag on Tatum :)

About a week ago Tatum and I were the only one's up in the morning. I needed to take a shower so I told her that she could play down stairs and that I would be out in a minute. When I was done I came into the bedroom and there she was facing the head board of our bed. I asked her what was wrong. She turned around with a huge smile on her face. I stopped and thought for a second and then looked at Joshua's and my bed. She had made the bed all by her self. Now she is four and we have a queen size bed. I was so proud of her that I took a picture I called Joshua right away and sent him the picture. It is such a blessing when you see that what you are trying to teach your children is truly being instilled in them and in there character. And she did an awesome job. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her to make it and to actually make it the way that we do. I just had to brag on her a little bit. They are such little blessings.

Love y'all,
the Brown Family
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;" Romans 12:12

Now that the waters are residing and hopefully we have had our last blizzard we can look back on this past winter and see some wonderful things. Joshua and I were talking about the Bible and how the LORD talks about how there is a season for everything a time for snow and a time for sun. A time to live and a time to die. Then we got to talking about how the LORD is so good at showing us examples through his word. It is plain to see that the LORD has made four seasons. And when we stop and think of our lives it is broken down into four seasons as well. You have winter which is your childhood and youth. Which always seems like you can't get it to go by fast enough. Then comes spring when you enter into young adulthood and everything seems so fresh and vibrant. Then to follow would be summer the middle age ground and then fall where you look back on your life and start to think about the next season of eternity. Seasons come and seasons go but the LORD and his word never change. That is such an encouragement. Especially with the winter we have been through. I like the verse above from Romans. It is so true that as long as we stay close to the one who is in charge of all we will never fear and always have hope.

The Brown Family