Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Piano Lesson...

Have I mentioned lately how much I just LOVE being a Mother??? Well I do =) Today has been a great day. The Girls had their first piano lesson and loved it. It was only 15 Minutes long each. And they have homework. Just to see their little faces light up after was the most amazing feeling! Titus and I had some Mommy and son time. It was a blast. I never let the kids have MC Donald's so when they get it, it is a very big treat. Titus was mighty sad when we dropped his sisters off and he realized he was not going to attend their special outing. He cried and kept saying " I go, I go," Poor little guy. So I saw fit that this needed to be a special time for him also. Against my better judgment I let him have a cheeseburger and french fries. I must admit we had a grand old time =) We are all excited, Joshua has four days off because of Resurrection Sunday. YAY.... We are looking forward to some family time and then next week it is off to Tennessee. Can not wait. It is going to be an amazing trip! We are going for a week long preaching conference and kind of like an Anniversary trip. Things have been great. I am training for a half marathon, in May. Looking forward to that. Maybe next year I will run the whole thing. I am not sure though. I am not sure that I really ever want to run that far. For now I think 13 miles is far enough...LOL... We are expecting our first Thunder storm of the year tonight. Should be fun. Yay... The weather is warm enough to bring rain instead of snow. However it has been chillier today than the past few that is why we may get a storm system. Nevertheless I have nothing to complain about. The LORD has been Good as always, and I can not thank Him enough for his goodness and provision for our family. Love, Brittany

Oh and I love Walmart. I ablsolutley love finding a good deal. I have never had a complete matching set of matching pots and pans. When I got married at nineteen, I was given my Grandmothers old ones. To this I was and am still very greatful. They have served their purpose to the utmost. They have worked for what they have been needed for. But I must say most of the teflone is scratched and they are proably not the safest to use any more. I have been eyeing this beautiful blue set by Paula Dean. But I did not want to spend $100.00 on it. I know I am cheap. That is really, rather a great price for a 10 piece, nice set. I had asked Joshua if I budgeted and saved for it if I could get it. Of course he said yes. He is so amazing, I just love him. I still could not buy it but when I went there today it was on a special offer for the weekend at $89.00... So I got it. YAY... And the kids are loving the box that it came in....HEHEHE.... I am not a big noise fan... But we have been laughing pretty hard.

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