Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Big 5...Happy Birthday Tatum!!!

Yesterday was Tatum's fifth birthday... I can not belive how fast time goes. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. I remember she was so fair she looked just like a little porclien doll. Oh so sweet. We had a special day for her. Our family has a tradition where we devote the whole day to the birthday person.They have a fancy place made at the table for them, with a plate that I painted, and little decorations. They get to pick every meal and what they want to do that day. And, the special place we go to dinner. And then we invite usually our closest friends. If we lived closer to family we would invite them. But that would be kind of a drive:) For dinner Tatum picked "Golden Corral" her favorite place in the world to go. She absolutley loves it there. We invited our friends Dan and Heidi to come along they have three little boys that our kidos just adore. They brought their oldest Carter, which the girl's are all about :) We will have to watch that. LOL... We had a great time with the kids. And ate pleanty of food that we did not need. Afterwards we went home, put the little guy to bed and played a fun game of shoots and ladders to end her special day!!!

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:" Psalm 127:3-5a

Brittany and the Family ( Please exscuse the pictures. I was not so good at taking them. They are a little blurry)

Our friends "Barbie and Ken" Heidi and Dan...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch...

We went on a little outing this morning, to the Pumpkin Patch. We were suppose to go a couple weeks ago with our Moms Group. However that was canceled due to snow :) This was our last weekend to go. It was chilly and drizzling, but that did not hold us back from having a grand old time. I was surprised there were many other families there also. The Pumpkin Patch was a little picked over but we managed to find just the perfect ones... There were a few men there that did not want me to carry the Pumpkins buy my self with the kids. You would think they had never seen a military wife before. LOL... But on a serious note, The kids really enjoyed themselves, as did I. I always love doing something that they like to do. The pure joy on their little faces is priceless. I wish we could keep them young forever :) It reminds me to enjoy the time we have with them. Because this stage of life will pass way to swiftly.
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19
"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, rejoice" Philippians 4:4

Brittany and the family

Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't Look Daddy :)

Titus is so funny. He found one of the girl's purses. And then he thought it was his. He was having a blast zipping it opened and closed and taking stuff in and out of it. On this day he was playing with it, no one could get it away from him. It was HIS... I thought it was so hilarious, I had to take a picture for Josh...Lol :)


Roller Skating, Phy Ed Friday!!!

The Girls were so excited for Phy Ed Friday this week... Of course because it was roller skating. Their Favorite :) I have a lot of pictures with Elyssa because she is always a little timed when we first get there. Now, Tatum on the other hand, not so much. She was gone as soon as we got her skates on. Half way through though Elyssa warmed up to the skating, and then she was off to skate around with her big sister and all their little friends :)Oh and Titus loves Roller skating too. He loves to be pushed around the floor...Lol.. And don't take him off the skating floor because he becomes really unhappy :) It is such a blessing to watch them with all of the other Children. There really is such a thing as a heart warming feeling. I am so excited that the LORD has given us the opportunity to home school our children and teach them everything there is in life. And be a part of all of life's little joys with them.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Brittany and the Family

Oh... And Tatum lost her third tooth :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Pictures...

Hey y'all... It has bee a couple of weeks. Elyssa's head is doing much, much better. Tatum has her first science fair coming up and Titus is busy, busy, busy... The weather has gotten cold quickly. Not something that we should be surprised about :) However I still was. LOL... They say that we are suppose to have a mild winter. Meaning warmer temperatures and lots of snow. Warmer up here is still freezing cold :0 Things are going great. I just wanted to get some new pictures of the kiddos up so you could see them.

Brittany and the Family

Monday, October 5, 2009

Poor little Lyssa Faith :(

Yesterday was an interesting Sunday. We were in Sioux Falls South Dakota visiting some friends of ours. We had a great morning getting ready for Church and just hanging out as a family. Things were going great until we got to Church. We were going in the side entrance and then it happened. When you walk through the doors you have to go down about 5 or 6 stairs. Well, Lyssa was so excited to go to her Sunday school class and had forgotten what I had just said to them at the car. "Remember when we go through this door there are stairs right away". She opened the door and started down the stairs. Only she started to fall. And I could not grab her in time. She fell all the way down and smack... She hit her head on the corner of the door frame. She screamed immediately and there was lots of blood. It did not help that it was right on her head. There were lots of nice people there and a very nice gentleman who helped clean it and starry strip it so that we could get her to the ER... He even drove in front of us so that we could get to the hospital quicker :) She ended up having 5 stitches. She was a champ. She was a little scared, which is to be expected. But she did great. Once we got her some Motrin she was all smiles like usual. Just a little tired from the whole ordeal and a little sore. The Doctor said that she will probably have a head ache for the next couple of days and hopefully we can get the stitches out on Friday. But praise the LORD she did not get a concussion... The cut was so deep that you could see the bone and about 1/2 inch wide. Pray that it heals up fast and that she gets better soon...

Brittany and the family

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Encouragement from the WORD.....

Have you ever had a bad day as a parent? I guess no matter how much you love being a parent you are bound to have a day like this :) Where you feel like everything you do is wrong. You may say something that you shouldn't or act a certain way that is not pleasing unto the LORD. Well today I have had one of those day. Praise the LORD he is quick to show us our faults and how to change them and that he is forever merciful. I quickly asked our older girls if they wanted to pray with Mommy, and they did. We had an amazing moment together in prayer and supplication with the LORD. And we were able to start anew. (I just LOVE being a Mother) Then I was reminded of some encouraging verses that I read in my devotion this morning. That God is always good and his judgements are righteous. That everything around us shows forth his goodness and Love towards his creation :) I hope that one or more of these verses may encourage you in your day and that you may see the light of the LORD and his awesome glory!!!

"THE heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handy work."
Psalm 19:1

"The law of the LORD is perfect converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple"
Psalm 19:7

"The fear of the LORD is clean enduring for ever: the judgements of the LORD are true and righteous altogether."
Psalm 19:9

"Lead me in thy truth and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day"
Psalm 25:5

With Love,