Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Stories...

"I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth"
Psalm 34:1

As most of you know the girl's are going to be Flower Girls this summer in their Aunts wedding. So they love to play wedding like, all the time. So cute :) Every now and then they will ask Joshua and I if we will play wedding with them. On this particular day they asked me to dress up in the wedding dress. It was given to us by some friends. As you can see it is total 80's LOL.... I don't know how many times Josh and I got married that day. But it was a ton of fun... I think they will be the most professional flower girl's any wedding has ever seen. They are sure taking their Job seriously...:)

Tatum loves to take pictures. She was playing photographer. LOL... So here is Mommy and then Mommy with Titus...

Tatum and Elyssa were playing Mary and Joseph. Last Sunday Tatum made donkey ears in her Sunday school class so they had a pretend Joseph and Tatum was the Donkey and of course Elyssa was being Mary. It was HILARIOUS...

These are random Pictures of the Kids. Titus LOVES the green vacuum. Every time the closet opens he is there to try and take it out.

1 comment:

heidi said...

Oh how funny! That is just too cute! Love that 80's wedding dress, haha!