Tuesday, February 17, 2009

~Marine Corp Family Day~

Yesterday was our winter family day. We went to Taylor's Falls Minnesota it is about 5 hours from us. It was the first time all winter that the girls have played outside. I know it is kind of a surprise especially with how much snow we have. But they have not shone any interest. They are not big fans of the cold. They miss their beach. LOL...
However the weather was nice it was around 30 degrees and the sun was out so it made for a beautiful day for some fun in the snow. We went to a resort called Wild mountain. They had a huge tubing hill and ski hill and then a little tubing hill for children eight and under. I was worried that Tatum and Elyssa were not going to want to go tubing. But much to my surprise they loved it. We had such a great time and it was nice to spend some time with Daddy (Joshua).
Now they are talking about the next time they get to go. And of course they made a little friend his name is Tate. He is the little boy that is in some of the pictures with the girls. I guess some times the snow can be FUN!!! LOL...

Hope you enjoy the pictures of the kids tubing!!!!!


Mama Toad said...

My sister-in-law heard on K-Love radio this morning that a mom of a Marine was looking for the words to a Marine version of the song "This Little Light of Mine." Your lovely blog was the top of my Googling efforts to find this version. My son is a Corporal on MSG duty in Sri Lanka currently, and I thought it'd be neat to email him the words. Wondered if you'd ever hear that version during your travels?

Brittany Brown said...

Mama Toad,
I am so sorry that I did not respond. I must admit, I have not been as faithful to my blog since our transfer to NC. However I am back. I have not heard the marine version of This Little Light of Mine. I am interested in it now. I will try to be of some help and find it. Keep looking and I will post it if I find it. Thank you for your sweet comment! God Bless...
Because of Christ,