Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cabin Fever!!!

Hello all,
We are in the middle of winter and I think we all have cabin fever...LOL!!! It warmed up this week for a change. And by warm I mean 25* to 35*. I know to all of you in California you can laugh :) But to us up here that is warm now. HAHAHA... Some of the snow has started to melt, we were thinking that we were almost done. And then we received a few more inches of fresh snow today. So I guess maybe we are not as close to ending this winter as we thought.
The kids are doing great. Titus has starting pulling himself up on the furniture and slowly walking around it. Elyssa is sweet as ever and Tatum is going to be getting her first pair of glasses. She picked out a cute pair the other day. Now we just have to wait for them to come in.
The kid's are getting excited for spring. They talk about going to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin all the time. I don't think we are going to spend one day in the house this summer. Well we just wanted to give y'all a little up-date from our neck of the woods with a few new pictures. Hope all is well...

The Brown Family

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