Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday was a mighty interesting Sunday. We welcomed our first and hopefully last blizzard of the season. LOL... Both of the major freeways IN and Out of town were closed. Therefor Church was closed, the mall was closed, the whole city was closed. We were Trapped in Fargo. How funny Joshua and I were joking about something like this happening when we found out that we were going to be stationed here. The measured snow fall from yesterdays storm measured up to 10.1 inches. Crazy we have moved from one extreme to the other. Beautiful 70* weather year round to blizzards....LOL...We saw temps at -17 and that was without the windchill. With the wind chills at time between -25 to -50. Crazy. Defiantly should not be outside. The snow drifts were as tall as Joshua and a little taller.

This morning it looks beautiful out. The sun is reflecting off of all the fresh powdered snow. But it is deceitful. We still should not be out side. There is a windchill advisory meaning that if you are outside frost bite and hypothermia could set in very quickly. We are supposed to have a record low tonight of 30 below zero. With out windchill.

Joshua got to go into work late today. That was fun. We really enjoyed our morning. We also had one of Joshua's co-workers and his wife and two little boys get stuck at our house. They left this morning when the freeways opened back up. But praise the LORD that we never lost power and that no trees went down. And we got to enjoy some family time.

Fargo, HAHAHA!!! What a Winter Wonderland....


The Burdons said...

Brrr!!! I'm cold just looking at the pictures. The Children look so cute. You too Brittany, I don't know about Joshua.
Your new duty station sounds pretty laid back. I'm happy for you all. Happiness and contentment comes when you are doing His will.
We miss you all and hoping and praying you all be back to southern Cal.
Love you all and God Bless

The Burdons said...

Happy New Year!!!!

The Burdons said...

Congratulations!!!!! Joshua on your recent promotion. Yes the Lord is good and wonderful. I like that song "Here am I" I first heard it at Melody the grandchildren were just singing thier hearts out it was so cute.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you keep on serving Him.