Monday, December 8, 2008

Our First Christmas Play...

Last night was our girls (Tatum and Elyssa) First Christmas play. How exciting. They looked so sweet up there singing their songs. And I must say they worked really hard on memorizing them. They new all the songs they were singing. We were so proud. And of course I (Mommy) think that they looked adorable.

Grandma Victoria was able to make it. We had a very fun time with her this weekend. I (Mommy) know the girls enjoyed having her there. It was such a special event. Thank you Grandma Victoria for coming up!!!

We are now your typical parent sitting in the front pew at the Church (Fargo Baptist) with our camcorder. Note: We were not alone in this department. Even Pastor made a comment that "of course everyone wants to sit down front when the kids are up there, but what about the preacher." LOL!!!

We have got a ton of snow from last night to this evening. We were under a server weather warning. LOL... Welcome back to the mid-west. I have to say the weather has been nice building up to the holidays. But I must be honest I think after January first we will be missing our nice Southern California view of the Ocean......... The LORD knows all.

Praise the LORD for his goodness to this family.

"Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,"
Luke 1: 68

"To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,"
Luke 1:77

In his Service,
The Brown Family

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

You all look so beatiful! I'm sorry we didn't know about it as we would have loved to see you both sing in your first Christmas play. We love you

Gramma Sheryl & the Gang