Friday, April 26, 2013


Hello all!!! The weather here in NC has been mighty beautiful... The Brown Family has been sick pretty much for the last four weeks! Yuck, no fun. However we have still managed to make the best of things. Joshua had five days off. We were suppose to go on a little get away to Charleston SC for our ten year wedding anniversary. We had to post pone that trip of course do to the illness that has been circulating our home. We are chugging away with school and the kids are doing great. Tatum and Elyssa are still taking piano and getting better and better by the week. Titus is really looking forward to starting, we will proably do that soon. Tatum and Elyssa will also be picking up an extra music lesson soon with Violin... They are super excited! Joshua will be in the Marines 11 years in August. My how the time flies. We are planning a trip back to MN at the end of Summer. We can not wait, we have been longing to make it back home for some time now! And of course we can not wait to stop and see all of our dear friends in the Fargo area!!! We recently got a puppy. He is a Basset hound/Golden Retriever mix. He is so sweet. I was dreading getting a dog. I kept thinking oh my sould do we really want an animal. However we took our time and adopted from a local rescue! We love him. He is the most mellow puppy I have ever met! Tatum and Elyssa worked very hard to raise money for their dog. His name is Jack! The kids are loving him and he is loving them. Well I just wanted to pop in and give a quick update to anyone who may stop by! Hope all is well wherever you may be! In Christ, The Brown Family

1 comment:

Patriot said...

Very nice blog. Was your husband a Corpsman before joining the Marine Corps? If so, was he in Weapons 3/8 in Kosovo?

I've often wondered what happened to "Doc" Brown. Feel free to contact me at if I've got the right Brown family.

Semper Fi,
1stSgt John Collick, USMC (Retired)