Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hello There....

It has been such a long time since I even looked at our blog. I think I almost forgot it exsisted. Any how. I am back. Life has been busy. We are in our Third year of homeschooling and enjoying it more and more as we chug along. It has been such a blessing to teach our girls to read and to watch them grow, not only physically but intelectually and spirtually. This past August we purchased a house on a very small lake here in North Carolina. It is a well known lake around these parts, however compared to our Minnesota lakes it is a pond. We are so blessed that Joshua will be home this year for the Holidays and that we will not be needing skype for present opening :) I just wanted to drop a quick line and say hello... And that we are back online. I will post again soon. With much love from NC, The Browns

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay!!!! So glad you are back. I hope you stay in touch. So good to see you all. what a wonderful picture. can't believe how much the kids have grown.