Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Mothers Heart...

(We just finished our second week of school today. Sorry, I wrote this last week. Just now have the time to getting it up =) This week was just as amazing as the first... YEAH!!!)

This week we have successfully finished our first week of school! YEAH!!! I can not even began to express how thankful I am that the LORD has afforded me the opportunity to teach our children at home. This week was so much fun. And to see Tatum and Elyssa grasp new concepts was amazing. I think of how much the Bible has to say about motherhood. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. I know that these little lives have been given to Joshua and I to teach and to train and ultimately, serve the LORD. I think of the story in the Bible of the widow, whose husband had passed away. Her husband had left behind much debt. And the debt collectors were demanding to be payed. All she had were her children. The debt collectors were going to take away her children, and place them into slavery to wipe away the debt that was owed. (They were not messing around in those days!) The LORD sent to her the prophet who told her to borrow all th pots and vessels that she could from her friends and neighbors. For all she had left, was one small pot of oil. He told her that she was going to fill all the vessels that she had with oil and sell them to pay the debts. She never questioned. She did as she was told and as she poured out the oil it never stop ed. It kept poring and overflowing, that she had so much oil and not enough vessels to fill. Abigail Miller wrote an amazing song about this story and how it relates to being a mother. As I sat listening to it and the noise of the children was filling the air. I could not help of think of how true this is. Each one of our precious children are an individual vessel that we are to fill with love, morals, wisdom, and so forth. And as a mother how sometimes we look at what we have to give and wonder "how will it ever be enough." By the grace of God he fills us up. He gives us the strength to make it through another day and blesses us with all the tools that we could ever need. So many times I have been asked questions by our children that floor me, and I have to be honest and say "let me think about that for a while and I will get back to you." And they remember that you said that you would get back to them. There are days when you can not see the end. Especially on recruiting duty. But I put my constant trust in God and that he already is at the end. He already knows what will be. I have complete faith in this and I know that I will make it to the end. I love being a mother. It is an overwhelming task. That presents itself with new adventures every day. That is why each day must be taken one day at a time. I can not look to tomorrow. I have no idea what tommorrow will hold. Besides I have enough cares for the day that are at hand. Each little vessel requires so much time poured into it. Love that is overflowing. Joy that is unstoppable. Adventure, security, faith, courage, and on and on. I do not think it an accident that women are better at multi-tasking then men. The LORD knew that as a mother we would have to know how to accomplish many tasks at once. =)And I know this to be true in every area of our life. Sometimes people will ask me what did you do today. I can usually say a few things but then I really have to think. My days are usually so full that I could not tell you exactly what I did. But I know that when I lay down at night I love the feel of my cozy sheets and my nice fluffy pillow =)

Joshua and I have often been told to enjoy the children because the time goes so fast. I know this is true. Reality has really set in. Tatum is in kindergarten. I can not believe it. However I am determined to not have a favorite stage. I want to enjoy them all. A pastor once said "The greatest mistake you can make with your children is having a favorite stage and trying to hold on to it. That every stage should be enjoyed, because each new stage has something new to offer." He was saying that he always heard the teen years were the worst and that he was determined to make them some of the best years. And he noted that they were. I can not honestly say right now that I am looking forward to those years. I am just enjoying life as it is right now.

My heart is so filled with joy, peace and a delight in our children... I must admit that I was a little nervous on how I was going to schedule everything in a day, with chores, cooking and school. But the schedule that I have I think will work great. It did last week any how. I may have to sacrifice a few hours of sleep. I must say that I do not mind. In fact I found it to be much of a blessing to have about 3 hours in the morning to my self before the rush of life set in! There is joy in everything if we just look beyond what we can see. I love being a mother and I am really enjoying the stage of life that we are in with our sweet little gifts from God. What a blessing they truly are. I could not think of anyway that I would rather live my life, then the way I am now. Serving the LORD through service to my family. What an amazing plan our God has made for us to follow. There is no greater purpose in a mothers life then to see those lives that she has an influence over, to serve the LORD and come into his presence. AMEN!!!

I just wanted to share with you what was on my heart. And let you know that Tatum and Elyssa are loving school. Hey, and I am loving school too. And little Titus, well I do not know if you can call him little anymore. He is also enjoying the school day. He sits at the table with markers and copies everything that is going on. If this keeps up he will be a genius! LOL... I also wanted to up-date and put some pictures up. but, For some reason the pictures are not loading. Check back later. I will try again soon!

With Love,

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