Thursday, June 24, 2010

Family up-date...

Things are going amazing up here in the North. Our summer has been so packed with fun filled adventures. After all we only have two seasons they say up here. It is winter and construction. LOL... I always laugh when I hear someone say that. When we first moved here I had no idea what they were talking about. But you bet, now I do. I love the community up here. They have so much for families to do in the summer and it is so affordable. In fact I think most of the stuff we have done so far has been free. Any how, this week is vacation Bible school. I am teaching a fours and fives class and Joshua has been out of town for work a few days. The girls are really enjoying their class. They are sooooo excited for tomorrow. The game is the final Friday water fight and then the Ferguson's do ice cream. They bring in this big old fashioned bike that has the old school ice cream carrier on the front. Every year it is a huge hit. We are all really looking forward to this. Although the girls have been counting every day that they have left. It is cute to see that this year they understand that as the days get less that means it is almost over. Today I heard Tatum and Elyssa talking at the table. Tatum was telling her that they only had tonight and tomorrow night left. So when we got in the van to go. They were talking about how excited they were but how sad they were that it was almost over. I explained to them that we should just really think about enjoying the time that we have left and that like many things it must come to an end. But that they will have next summer to look forward to. Other than that, nothing new in our neck of the woods. I will post some pictures soon. We miss y'all. Hope all is well where ever you may be.

Brittany and the Family

1 comment:

Elissa L. Berg said...

As I've read through your blog, I notice you keep mentioning this might be our last summer in ND. This makes me really sad. I have really enjoyed watching you as a woman and mother. Thanks for being a great example to me. I am encouraged to see your joyful spirit as you go through life. Now a days its sort of discouraging to see the modern state of motherhood and womanhood. You make it look much to be desired! Thanks so much for your influence!