Thursday, June 24, 2010

Family up-date...

Things are going amazing up here in the North. Our summer has been so packed with fun filled adventures. After all we only have two seasons they say up here. It is winter and construction. LOL... I always laugh when I hear someone say that. When we first moved here I had no idea what they were talking about. But you bet, now I do. I love the community up here. They have so much for families to do in the summer and it is so affordable. In fact I think most of the stuff we have done so far has been free. Any how, this week is vacation Bible school. I am teaching a fours and fives class and Joshua has been out of town for work a few days. The girls are really enjoying their class. They are sooooo excited for tomorrow. The game is the final Friday water fight and then the Ferguson's do ice cream. They bring in this big old fashioned bike that has the old school ice cream carrier on the front. Every year it is a huge hit. We are all really looking forward to this. Although the girls have been counting every day that they have left. It is cute to see that this year they understand that as the days get less that means it is almost over. Today I heard Tatum and Elyssa talking at the table. Tatum was telling her that they only had tonight and tomorrow night left. So when we got in the van to go. They were talking about how excited they were but how sad they were that it was almost over. I explained to them that we should just really think about enjoying the time that we have left and that like many things it must come to an end. But that they will have next summer to look forward to. Other than that, nothing new in our neck of the woods. I will post some pictures soon. We miss y'all. Hope all is well where ever you may be.

Brittany and the Family

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Titus Birthday Pictures...

So yesterday was our little mans second Birthday. I can not believe it. The time has just flown by. We had a low key birthday for him, but much fun. He is becoming such a little man. He is getting bigger by the week and smarter as the days go by. He is putting more and more words together and is just amazing. He absolutely adores his two big sisters. And I have to admit they play very well together. Of course they are siblings so they have their occasional spat. But really all in all they are so sweet and kind to each other. I could not ask for more precious children. I absolutely adore them. We had ice cream cake and then opened gifts. He was so funny when Joshua lit the candles he was so excited to blow them out. The funny part was he kept saying "again, again..." Joshua must have let him blow the candle out like five times or so. He just wanted them re-lit and to blow them out again. I thought it was so cute. I had never seen a kid do that before. For his birthday he got some match box planes and a starter Thomas the Train set, a little football, some candy from the girls, and his very own little New Testament, since he moved up to the big boy class. I know that he didn't really know what was going on. But he enjoyed singing Happy Birthday, the cake and the presents. Oh and Tatum and Elyssa treated him like a King all day. They were so funny. They kept saying that it was his birthday and they wanted everything to be perfect for him... They are so thoughtful.. I love it. Here are some pictures from Bubba's Birthday...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Titus!!!

Titus is two today!!! I can not believe how fast the past two years have gone. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my sweet little prince on his special day =) I will post more pictures from today at a later time....


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend...

You know as many of us were around barbeque's and on the lakes there were thousands of families across our land with tears and open photo books remembering those that they love that paid the price for us to enjoy our hamburgers and hot dogs. I was humbled by this thought as Monday morning came. The dewy smell in the air and around me were my beautiful Children and my wonderful husband Joshua. I was honored at that moment to be married to a military man. It really made me think what a selfless man I have married. One who has signed away his rights to the US government and has taken an oath to protect this country from foreign and domestic enemies. I must admit going into the weekend all I could think about was how excited I was for Joshua to have a three day weekend. But after the message that we heard on Sunday Morning I was reminded to remember. To stop and be thankful that someone else probably very young paid the price for the freedoms that you and I share. That it was someones husband, someones son, someones brother and someones father who shed their blood so that I could have freedom. And most importantly Christ who shed his blood so that we could have eternal life. I was truly blessed this memorial day. With a new look on it. Sure we may often observe what it is about by if we were honest many of us just see it as a three day weekend. My prayer is that when holidays such as this come around we pause and pray for the men and women over seas and here on the home front and that we would thank God that he has given them such courage.

Over the past months we have been getting a lot of advice on re-enlisting mostly on not to. I maybe have not encouraged my Joshua like I should=( But I have made up my mind that this is our life unless the LORD shows him other wise. The preacher we heard in Park Rapids made me so me know how blessed I am to be married to such a man. I am so grateful that we spent the weekend there and were able to sit under the preaching. It was defiantly a Divine appointment from God =)

We had a blast. We went up Friday night and came back Monday afternoon. The kids played in the sand box, however most of their precious time was spent in the lake. Tatum went tubing for the first time. I have to admit I was quiet shocked that she got on it. But wouldn't you know she loved it! Elyssa had a blast on the boat. She was not fond of the tubing idea, especially after she saw her cousin Katherine fall off. But she sure loved the boat ride and watching her big sister. Titus I think the only words we heard all weekend was boat and Juice. For some reason he was calling the lake Juice. He apparently thought it was we could not get him to stop drinking that nasty water...LOL...
Joshua went out for a night of fishing with Uncle Mike and I spent my days on the dock watching the little angles and getting some sun. It was a gorgeous weekend. We are going to miss our little get away spot when we move. It has been so much fun taking little trips to the cabin nestled away in the woods. Joshua and I both have said that we need to make the most of this summer. For who knows it may be our last one here. Hope you enjoy the pictures....

Brittany and the Family

Out on the boat and on the dock =)

Tatum and her cosins Moirah and Nora on Uncle Steve'ss boat tubing!