Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Freedom has a price the protected will never know..."

Tuesday was one of the hardest days I have been through in a long time. We attended the funeral off SSGT Todd W Selge(Army). An old high school friend of ours. As I had mentioned in a post before he has a wife and two little boys. The message was amazing and it was such a relief to find out that he was saved. As I saw the flag draped over the casket it made me think of this old phrase my Dad used to say to me. "Freedom has a price the protected will never know." When I was younger he had told me that this phrase was on one of his favorite bumper stickers. Maybe you have seen it before. I saw the price! A young twenty five year old mother left to raise two amazingly beautiful little boys alone. She lost her Love, her high school sweet heart. As there youngest son ran around the church and up and down the aisles during the service it made me take an inventory on my life. This little guy only two getting ready to turn three was running around his Daddy's coffin holding the program with a picture of Ssgt Selge on the front. He ran past the parent room a couple of times and held it up to the window with a big smile on his face as he pointed to the picture and told us "Daddy". My heart went out to this family. It made me think how much more I need to be thankful for the time the LORD has given me with my wonderful husband. And to cherish every aspect of life no matter what comes along. Please pray for our family as Joshua is up for re-enlistment. I know that being a military wife may seem like such a burden to some. But I am so Proud to say that I am. Yes times may get rough, the hours may be long and some times you will be separated for months on end, and never know when that next phone call will come through on the line. You sleep with your cell phone because suddenly time does not matter. If the phone rings at 0115 and you just feel asleep you bounce up all chipper ready to greet you love from half a world away. And though all this seems so tough and it is at times. I don't think I would know what to do if my life were lived like a normal wife. Or what ever is normal any way. I love being married to my Marine. No matter what comes. As I know Ssgt. Selges(Army)wife Did also. And she put her thoughts aside and served right beside him. So I thank her for giving the ultimate sacrifice also. As she will be in our thoughts and prayers for the years to come... So thank you to all those families who have given their loved ones for the cause of Freedom. Your Sacrifice will never be forgotten...

With Love,
Brittany Brown

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