Monday, February 23, 2009

"And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD." Psalm 40:3

Earlier this evening Tatum and Elyssa asked as they often do if they can play the piano and if I will sing while they play. Tonight we had a special time. Of course I always try to humor them. And we always have a grand old time. But tonight the girls especially warmed my heart. They were naming the songs that they wanted me to sing. And much to my surprise they know a ton of good old hymns. So I sang and they played, I sang and they played.
Then Titus woke up and I had to change his diaper. Usually they lose interest after I stop singing and that is the end of it. But tonight they decided that Elyssa was going to play and Tatum was going to sing. Y'all know that one of my favorite songs is "Till the storm Passes by" I never realized how much I must walk around the house singing this until tonight when Tatum was singing it word for word while Elyssa tapped away on the piano. It blessed my heart in more ways than one. I also took a few pictures. They were just way to sweet....

The Browns

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Look who got glasses!!!

Tatum got her first pair of glasses. We went and picked them up on Friday. Doesn't she look cute?

~Marine Corp Family Day~

Yesterday was our winter family day. We went to Taylor's Falls Minnesota it is about 5 hours from us. It was the first time all winter that the girls have played outside. I know it is kind of a surprise especially with how much snow we have. But they have not shone any interest. They are not big fans of the cold. They miss their beach. LOL...
However the weather was nice it was around 30 degrees and the sun was out so it made for a beautiful day for some fun in the snow. We went to a resort called Wild mountain. They had a huge tubing hill and ski hill and then a little tubing hill for children eight and under. I was worried that Tatum and Elyssa were not going to want to go tubing. But much to my surprise they loved it. We had such a great time and it was nice to spend some time with Daddy (Joshua).
Now they are talking about the next time they get to go. And of course they made a little friend his name is Tate. He is the little boy that is in some of the pictures with the girls. I guess some times the snow can be FUN!!! LOL...

Hope you enjoy the pictures of the kids tubing!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Little Men and Little Ladies

Psalm 127:3
Lo, Children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

My oh My, what a difference it is to raise a little boy compared to the girls. Joshua and I did not think that we would be able to tell this young. I mean Titus is only eight months old. But what a difference there is.
He is such a little conquer. No matter what it is he is beating on it, trying to tear it a part :) especially the girls baby dolls. LOL... He grunts all the time and just does funny stuff that Tatum and Elyssa did NOT do.
The girls even when they were little were loving and nurturing to their dolls. But not Titus as long as he can put it in his mouth and use something to make noise on its head he is a happy, happy little guy.
It has been so fun thus far watching the difference between girls vs boys. What a true blessing Children really are!!!

(The picture at the top of this post is from august.)

Cabin Fever!!!

Hello all,
We are in the middle of winter and I think we all have cabin fever...LOL!!! It warmed up this week for a change. And by warm I mean 25* to 35*. I know to all of you in California you can laugh :) But to us up here that is warm now. HAHAHA... Some of the snow has started to melt, we were thinking that we were almost done. And then we received a few more inches of fresh snow today. So I guess maybe we are not as close to ending this winter as we thought.
The kids are doing great. Titus has starting pulling himself up on the furniture and slowly walking around it. Elyssa is sweet as ever and Tatum is going to be getting her first pair of glasses. She picked out a cute pair the other day. Now we just have to wait for them to come in.
The kid's are getting excited for spring. They talk about going to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin all the time. I don't think we are going to spend one day in the house this summer. Well we just wanted to give y'all a little up-date from our neck of the woods with a few new pictures. Hope all is well...

The Brown Family