Earlier this evening Tatum and Elyssa asked as they often do if they can play the piano and if I will sing while they play. Tonight we had a special time. Of course I always try to humor them. And we always have a grand old time. But tonight the girls especially warmed my heart. They were naming the songs that they wanted me to sing. And much to my surprise they know a ton of good old hymns. So I sang and they played, I sang and they played.
Then Titus woke up and I had to change his diaper. Usually they lose interest after I stop singing and that is the end of it. But tonight they decided that Elyssa was going to play and Tatum was going to sing. Y'all know that one of my favorite songs is "Till the storm Passes by" I never realized how much I must walk around the house singing this until tonight when Tatum was singing it word for word while Elyssa tapped away on the piano. It blessed my heart in more ways than one. I also took a few pictures. They were just way to sweet....
The Browns