Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday was a mighty interesting Sunday. We welcomed our first and hopefully last blizzard of the season. LOL... Both of the major freeways IN and Out of town were closed. Therefor Church was closed, the mall was closed, the whole city was closed. We were Trapped in Fargo. How funny Joshua and I were joking about something like this happening when we found out that we were going to be stationed here. The measured snow fall from yesterdays storm measured up to 10.1 inches. Crazy we have moved from one extreme to the other. Beautiful 70* weather year round to blizzards....LOL...We saw temps at -17 and that was without the windchill. With the wind chills at time between -25 to -50. Crazy. Defiantly should not be outside. The snow drifts were as tall as Joshua and a little taller.

This morning it looks beautiful out. The sun is reflecting off of all the fresh powdered snow. But it is deceitful. We still should not be out side. There is a windchill advisory meaning that if you are outside frost bite and hypothermia could set in very quickly. We are supposed to have a record low tonight of 30 below zero. With out windchill.

Joshua got to go into work late today. That was fun. We really enjoyed our morning. We also had one of Joshua's co-workers and his wife and two little boys get stuck at our house. They left this morning when the freeways opened back up. But praise the LORD that we never lost power and that no trees went down. And we got to enjoy some family time.

Fargo, HAHAHA!!! What a Winter Wonderland....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our First Christmas Play...

Last night was our girls (Tatum and Elyssa) First Christmas play. How exciting. They looked so sweet up there singing their songs. And I must say they worked really hard on memorizing them. They new all the songs they were singing. We were so proud. And of course I (Mommy) think that they looked adorable.

Grandma Victoria was able to make it. We had a very fun time with her this weekend. I (Mommy) know the girls enjoyed having her there. It was such a special event. Thank you Grandma Victoria for coming up!!!

We are now your typical parent sitting in the front pew at the Church (Fargo Baptist) with our camcorder. Note: We were not alone in this department. Even Pastor made a comment that "of course everyone wants to sit down front when the kids are up there, but what about the preacher." LOL!!!

We have got a ton of snow from last night to this evening. We were under a server weather warning. LOL... Welcome back to the mid-west. I have to say the weather has been nice building up to the holidays. But I must be honest I think after January first we will be missing our nice Southern California view of the Ocean......... The LORD knows all.

Praise the LORD for his goodness to this family.

"Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,"
Luke 1: 68

"To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,"
Luke 1:77

In his Service,
The Brown Family

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome Christmas!!!

Well, Christmas is finally around the corner and here at the Brown home we Love this time of year. Not just because of all the giving that goes on but for the one true reason. This is the time of year when we really pause and think of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ coming to earth, to save us from our sins. What a blessed day. And what a loving God we serve...

Our Christmas tree represents something special. We wanted the kids to have a symbol for everything that we put on it. So that they can be reminded of the real reason for the season. After all it is so easy to get side tracked with everything else going on.
On our Tree we use Gold ornaments to represent Christ our King, Red ornaments to represent the Blood that he shed on Calvary for our sins, and the candy canes to represent that Christ is our Shepard. And of course represents the cross. We like it to have a little meaning. And I like the traditional look.

The kids and I (Mommy) have been very busy spreading the Christmas cheer. We have been going out caroling with our Church. The Girls (Tatum and Elyssa) are especially enjoying it. You know they LOVE to sing. Little Man (Titus) on the other hand could really care less. Although he likes to be carried from place to place.

As you can see we have welcomed the first real snow of the year here in Fargo North Dakota!!! The Girls like it at first until they realized that it is not going away. They asked me (Mommy) yesterday if it was going to stay and how long it was going to be cold for. Then Tatum said that she wanted to go back to the ocean. So when they were taking their bath the girls were playing that they were swimming in the ocean. They are so funny. It is going to be a long winter. We defiantly have little southern girls. he he he...

We are praying that y'all have a very blessed Christmas season, and that we would stop and remember the real reason for Christmas is our Savior left his throne on high to be born in a lowly manager. All for the love of his creation and to save us from our sins... Praise the Lord for his Mercy and his goodness!!!

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:11

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

"PRAISE ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 106:1

Praise the LORD for another Holiday season. I know Our family has plenty to be thankful for this year. Just to list a few,

-Joshua is stateside

-Our new baby boy Titus

-Our Health

-Being able to spend the holidays with family

-And our new Church that we know the LORD has led us too.

Now these are just a few things of the top of my head. I am sure there are so many more that we probably could not list them all.

Things are going great here in Fargo, ND. Recruiting seems to be getting a little easier for Joshua. And we are getting involved in a lot more around the community. We will be hosting My Family (Brittany) For the up coming Thanksgiving Holiday. I am excited. I love hosting holidays.

The kids are getting big. Tatum just recently turned four, and Elyssa just recently turned three. And our little man Titus will be turning six months on the Second of December. I am excited, it is always fun to have a little baby around this time of year. The girls will be in the first Christmas play this year. They sound so cute running around singing their songs.

The weather so far in our neck of the woods is pretty decent for November. There is no snow on the ground. But it is getting mighty cold.

We hope you enjoy the pictures!!!

And have a Very Happy Thanksgiving..............