Wednesday, November 17, 2010

News From North Dakota...

Hey to all our Family and Friends,
Winter is quickly approaching. We have had some flurries yet nothing has stayed on the ground. We have been very blessed to have a beautiful and long fall this year. Our move is vastly coming on our heals. Joshua is at Staff Academy and has 4 weeks left. Yeah! We are so excited he is almost done =) We leave here sometime in February for our next tour of duty.
Today as the light snow was sprinkling I was excited. Christmas will be here in no time. Hard to believe that we are coming to the close of another year. And what a great one it has been.
I wanted to get some new photos up of the children. These are the ones that we had taken for school this year. I love how they turned out. Many Thanks to our dear friend Bethy for volunteering her talents for merly pennies to our home school group. I know that we are all truly thankful. I hope you enjoy and that your holiday season is going well.

With Love in Christ,

I am having a problem up loading the pictures so they are to the Left of this post...