Friday, August 13, 2010

Re-enlistment and Orders...

Hello to all...
After much prayer Joshua has re-enlisted. He officially re upped for another four years on Wed August 4th. We are both really excited to see what God has in this next tour of duty and are trusting Him to lead the way. We also have received our new orders. Hard to believe that we have been in Fargo for close to two and a half years now. The time has gone so fast. It has been a real blessing to be closer to family. We both know that we are going to miss that. And know that we will realize once we are gone and pinching pennies for airline tickets how nice we had it =) Any how our orders are for Camp Lejuine, North Carolina. It is located in Jacksonville right on the coast. We will be about two hours from Myrtle Beach and I think something like four hours from Virgina Beach. If that gives you an idea. We are so excited. We have been praying for months and we know that the Lord has worked everything according to His perfect will and purpose. I know our friends in Fargo want to know if we are sad to leave this wonderful, snowy place =) To them yes we are. We have been so amazingly blessed with the friendships that we have made and with the community that we have been able to be part of. You know the winters have always been rough. But Joshua and I have both agreed that Fargo North Dakota is a wonderful place to raise a family and call home. We will miss it more than any of you will know. But Lord willing we will someday, be able to visit again. There is something special that God gives you though when you know that you are following Him. That inner peace that passes all understanding. I can truly say that we will miss Fargo but that we are so excited to go to North Carolina and see what is a waiting us. It is as always bitter, sweet. We ask that you please pray now as Joshua prepares to put in a package for a warrant officer. The package has to be in sometime after the first of the year. He feels that he should put in the package and request to be a range officer. This is a huge deal. A very big selection process and a very big honor if selected. Also he would be non-deploy able. I know that may sound a little selfish. But hey,I am human =) Oh yes I almost forgot our Transfer will be sometime between mid January, to early February time frame. We love and miss y'all... Thanks for your prayers.

The Brown Family

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Been a While...

It has been a while since our last post. This summer has been so busy and has just flown by. We have spent lots of time outside. I can not believe that the summer is already coming to a close. Yes we have a few weeks left. But fall is right around the corner. The falls are beautiful here and I am sure will bring lots of fun new activities. Tatum will officially start Kindergarten =) Yay. We are really looking forward to it!
Joshua re-enlisted into the Marine Corp on Wed August 4th for another four year tour. It came after much prayer and we are looking forward to what this next tour may hold. We will be leaving sometime in the early winter months to our next duty station. They are telling us right now some time early January. But any of you who know the military know that this is very tentative until we have our official orders. We are expecting them sometime this month or next. As of right now the only openings they have for his rank and position are 29palms and North Carolina. So we shall see. We are looking at the East Coast. Still praying about it though.
Tatum's eye has been getting better at every appointment. Her last check she was seeing at 20/30 a huge improvement from 20/100...Praise the Lord and thank you to all of you whom were praying we really do appreciate them. She has lost seven teeth already. Right now she has four missing with none that have come to re-place them =) She looks cute!
Elyssa is doing Great! She is very excited about school starting and is really looking forward to roller-skating Fridays. Every time we pass by the roller rink she asks when school will be starting so that we can go back.. I think this is an activity that both of the girl's are really looking forward to starting back up.
Titus, well he is almost as big as Elyssa. He is growing so fast and is just a big boy. I think he will be tall like his uncles. Only time will tell. But as of right now he is catching up quick with his big sisters. And he lets them know it...LOL...
Everything is amazing here in Fargo. Just starting to clean out closest and do what pre-paring we can for our transfer. I know that it will sneak up on us quick. They always do. I am sad to leave Fargo. But I am super excited to see what God has in store for our family next. He is so good and faithful I can not help but look forward to what he has prepared for us!

With Love,
Brittany, Joshua, Tatum, Elyssa and Titus

Joshua had to work the Red River Valley fair for the Marine Corp. We went and spent the morning so we could spend a little bit of extra time with Daddy and have some fun. Tatum, Elyssa and Titus all wanted to ride the ponies. Who would have ever thought that you would have to pay $5 a child to ride for 2 minutes. But iot was worth it. They loved it!

Pictures from the fourth of July.

Just a few random pics taken after breakfast. I thought Elyssa looked so cute she had been walking around with the necklace on her head like that all morning. She reminded me of a little hippy =)