Thursday, January 21, 2010

Up Date...

Hey y'all,
Sorry it has been so long since I last up dated my blog. Let's see. Christmas was great. We ended up getting snowed in Fargo. We were not able to make it to be with our families. There was a huge blizzard that came through. Nevertheless, we had a great day. We spent it with some friends. Then at 0330 the following morning we jumped on a train and headed to Indiana. It was an amazing trip. The LORD truly blessed. My Dad has tons of pictures. I am waiting for him to send them and then I will get them up here. I just wanted to let you know what we have been doing.

This weekend we are bracing for another huge blizzard. Joshua's Mom is getting married down in the Twin Cities. We were suppose to be leaving tomorrow evening but are now heading out of town tonight to beat the storm. LORD willing we will make it back between Church on Sunday. But who knows they are saying that it may be so bad that they will have to cancel Church. LOL... Something that we never heard when we were living in California.

Hope your new year has gotten off to a great start. Things are going great here. Joshua is still praying about re-enlistment and where the LORD will lead next. School is going great. Tatum has started to sound out very short words. Elyssa is doing great with her little school, and Titus is growing like a weed. We can not believe that we have been in Fargo almost two years. My how time goes. Joshua is due to re up by September 23rd. Please be in Prayer for what the LORD will have him to do. We could get are orders for anytime after October and then transfer proably within three months of recieving them. I am excited to see what the LORD has in store for our fmaily in 2010. I know he is ever faithful and will always provide. He has been so good to our family and I know that he will continue to be.

We Love you all and miss you, where ever you may be....

With Love in Him,