Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas....

We wanted to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas from our family to all of yours. I love this time of year. People seem more friendly and there is something special in the air. For our family we are focused solely on the Miracle of Jesus Christ's birth. I am so thankful that God would send his only son to earth. To teach us of heavens blessed gift of Salvation. And that he would shed his blood on Calvary for my sins. I am reminded of that wondrous day when I asked the Lord to forgive me and to save me. It was 6 years ago now. And my life has never been the same. I would not change where I am now for anything in the world. The only prayer that I have as I start the new year is that I could have a stronger relationship with my Lord and Saviour. As Christmas draws near and we celebrate with family and friends my hope is that we will not loose sight of why we have all of this good cheer. That we would see the miracles that God has worked in every one of our lives. That we would thank him for his Mercie and goodness and that if you do not know him, that you would find your way to the best present you will ever receive. Merry Christmas...

Brittany and the Family

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Picture Pre-view

We took our Christmas picture's yesterday. We are going to take some more of the three little angles together on Sunday. They all came out blurry :( Thank you soooooo Much to our friend Heidi for the wonderful job she did!!! The The kids did great. It always takes a minute for Elyssa to warm up to taking pictures however she is so sweet..... Then by the end Titus is done :) We had some Christmas ornaments for him to hold. That idea was not so good. I don't know what we were thinking giving a one and a half year old something that resembled a ball. Needless to say there are none with Titus and an ornanament....LOL... And Tatum.. She is always game. She know what's going on. I love how each one is so unique and different :) Hope you enjoy....

Brittany and the Family