As we attend the Marine Corp Ball on Friday I thought of so many different things. I thought of how much I love my country but more than that how much I love my God. Every year as we sit and watch the Commandants birthday address, it reminds me of how Thankful I am to be an American. More importantly that I am saved. And I certainly am well reminded of how the LORD needs Godly men in the military. I have had many people ask over the years how could you be married to a military man? Isn't he gone a lot? How could he leave his children for such long periods of time? Aren't you worried that something may happen to him? All of these questions were running through my mind as the ceremony marched on, as the video played and told stories of young men and women who have given their all for this countries freedom.
"In Christ Alone" is one of my favorite songs. A friend of mine and her Father sing it at our Church. It was like the LORD brought me an answer to every question that has ever been asked. Yes he is gone a lot, but in Christ I put my hope and Trust. It is not easy for him to leave his children for long periods of time, however he knows that he is doing what the LORD has called him to do. Yes I do worry that something will happen to him. That is every military wives fear. But in Christ alone I put my faith, that whatever happens is part of Christ Divine perfect will for our lives.
My husband loves the LORD with all his heart. He is devoted to God and Country. I would be a fool not to be proud of him or his career decisions. I will be honest sometimes I struggle with, how could God want him away from his family for so long, he is suppose to be our leader. Then I am well reminded of many Godly men in the Bible who were men of war and loved the LORD first and foremost. Such as Joshua and David. David was even considered a man after Gods own heart.
I am thankful to be married to such a wonderful man. A man that has put on the uniform and sworn to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic. A man that knows who he serves and knows his purpose in life. A man that loves his family is an amazing Father and would gladly give his all for this country if the LORD saw fit. He is Humble,faithful, loving and brave. In Christ Alone he puts his faith and trust. He is sure there is no other name under Heaven in whom to trust and obey.
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2
I love my Husband and with that comes a love for the Corp. I am so gracious that LORD has allowed me to be married to Joshua and has given us three beautiful children. I will gladly support and serve with him in what ever the LORD calls him to do. And if it means staying in the military then there is no other place I would rather be. For the safest place is in the center of God's will.
Happy Birthday Marines and Semper Fi