Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Next Step up!!! Ssgt Promotion...

"Giving Thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ;" Ephesians 5:20

Yesterday we got a pleasant surprise. Joshua found out that he was getting promoted today. He was supposed to be picking up Staff next month. But much to our surprise he was promoted today. Yeah!!!!!! I just want to say the LORD is so big, so strong and so mighty, there is nothing my God can not do. Joshua has been in the Marine Corp for six and a half years almost. This promotion is huge for his time and grade. Way to go Joshua :)

Thank the LORD!!! Even in the economic turmoil our country seems to be going through our God is still in control, of all. Every time we have had a child the Lord has always provided a promotion shortly before the arrival of the little miracle or there shortly after. We Thank him first and foremost for everything he had given this family.

Congrats Ssgt Brown!!!

"Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness." Psalm 30:4

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to y'all...
Our family started off the new year giving praise to our LORD and thanking him for a tremendous 08'. Now we are looking forward to what he has in store for the up coming year of 09'. We heard amazing preaching on New Years Eve. We are ready to face what ever may be in store.

The Children are doing well. Titus is now crawling and today he decided that he was going to pull him self up on a small table. That little boy wants to keep up with his two big sisters so bad. I am sure he will probably be walking with in the next couple months.

Of course now that he is on the move Tatum and Elyssa see what it is like to have a little brother. He puts all their dolls and girlie stuff right into his mouth. They are not big fans of that. Although they love him, and want to hold him all the time, they don't want him messing up their "little peoples" when they are playing. Joshua and I just laugh. They are so fun to watch. Children truly are a blessing from the LORD.

We hope that y'all had a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Love In Christ,
The Brown Family, in the frozen tundra :)