"PRAISE ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 106:1
Praise the LORD for another Holiday season. I know Our family has plenty to be thankful for this year. Just to list a few,
-Joshua is stateside
-Our new baby boy Titus
-Our Health
-Being able to spend the holidays with family
-And our new Church that we know the LORD has led us too.
Now these are just a few things of the top of my head. I am sure there are so many more that we probably could not list them all.
Things are going great here in Fargo, ND. Recruiting seems to be getting a little easier for Joshua. And we are getting involved in a lot more around the community. We will be hosting My Family (Brittany) For the up coming Thanksgiving Holiday. I am excited. I love hosting holidays.
The kids are getting big. Tatum just recently turned four, and Elyssa just recently turned three. And our little man Titus will be turning six months on the Second of December. I am excited, it is always fun to have a little baby around this time of year. The girls will be in the first Christmas play this year. They sound so cute running around singing their songs.
The weather so far in our neck of the woods is pretty decent for November. There is no snow on the ground. But it is getting mighty cold.
We hope you enjoy the pictures!!!
And have a Very Happy Thanksgiving..............