Joshua and I just arrived home on Sunday from our nine day trip to Tennessee for a Preaching Conference and Anniversary trip. It was amazing. We counted it as the honeymoon we never had. It was such a blessing, we went with some dear friends of ours that moved from there about a year ago. His brother has a house that he is in the processes of selling so we were able to stay there the whole week. It was great, no hotel expense and just to have a house for a week instead of a small hotel room was great. We were so thankful. I have to say, TN was one of the most beautiful places I have been. The weather was amazing the hills were gorgeous. It was an amazing trip. However we did miss the kids,so After we got home we took the kids up to Grand Forks for two days of water slide fun. At first I thought we were crazy. We had just driven for 18 hours and then were goin' to pack up and drive another hour and spend two days at a the little water park. I have to admit it was kind of. But we had such an awesome time with the kids it was well worth it. Today is our first day back to regular routine, and getting things back into order.
Everything is going great. As we were in Tennessee I started thinking about how close we are to starting our new adventure as a military family. As of right now Joshua plan's to re-enlist unless the LORD shows him something else. He is leaving the door open but going ahead with re-enlistment. Either way in the next 8 months things will start to change. It is always a little nerve racking but I am just trusting the one who knows everything. I have to say though it is most exciting. I love new adventures. It is hard to believe that May 1st we have been in North Dakota for two years. Recruiting is a two and a half year billet. Sometimes three. It has gone so fast.
Tatum has her next eye appointment on the 30th, I will let everyone know how that goes. Elyssa will be starting Kindergarten this fall. So we will be schooling two. YAY.... I am excited. Titus turns two on June 2nd... My oh my how that time has flown. Well here are some new pictures from our trip to TN and the Grand Forks...